koala create

Create a new Koala service


A command used to bootstrap a new service using the Koala CLI.

Currently only creates a new GitHub repository for the service.

koala create [flags]


      --dry-run               If set, do not commit changes resulting from this command.
      --framework string      can be one of: python-fastapi, python-flask, go-server, java-quarkus, generic
      --github-token string   If set, use this token instead of the one stored in auth0.
  -h, --help                  help for create
      --local-test            If set, create a temp folder with new repo without pushing to github.
      --repo string           If set, use this repo instead of creating a new one.

Options inherited from parent commands

  -o, --org string   Organization name


  • koala - koala is a CLI tool to help you create and manage k8s services